Front garden
Making an entrance - Tattenhall, Cheshire
This home needed a sense of arrival.
drive entrance of huge reclaimed cobbles, flanked either side with herbaceous borders fringed with ilex crenate topiary hedge. The curve shape pulls you away from the road and into the grounds.
Sustainable water management is seamlessly underpinning the design, gravel allows most rainfall to permeate into the ground, water butts catch roof runoff primarily and any overflow is gathered in soakaways. Blended colours of the gravel adds a gentle warmth to the scheme.
Here a touch of formality is introduced with topiary yew pillars lining the wall. A mature Acer, placed centrally to the front porch, is a focal point in the middle of a clipped topiary parterre. The parterre also acts as a turning circle for vehicles.
Corten edge keeps the shaped gravel drive sharp.
Calm elegance of the white and green planting harmonises with the house.
The design forms part of an overall staged redesign programme.
Project: Planting Design and Design Consultation.