We offer planting design as part of a full design package and a stand alone service
Planting design is crucial to the success of an overall design scheme, as it adds height, depth, structure, dynamism, and energy to the garden. It is a sophisticated art that requires extensive research and background investigation to ensure a scheme that meets your needs. I must consider several factors, including soil type, drainage, aspect, prevailing winds, microclimate for that specific garden area, and planting goals such as height, color, density, structure, and texture. Additionally, your preferences and the existing broader garden must be harmonized.
Each design takes into account the style of your garden, the properties of your soil, the changes in the light, whether the border is sheltered or exposed and crucially designed so time spent in your garden is enjoyable.
Planting Design
Cheshire, Wirral, North Wales
If your new garden or existing borders are lacking interest or need refreshing for a special occasion, we are happy to discuss the range of services we offer.
Working with clients, landscapers, developers and consulting on Show Garden planting design, I draw on my professional training, years of horticultural experience and lifelong love of plants. A freshly built garden is a true joy, each newly designed garden brimming with potential.

Key Elements of Planting Design
1. Plant Selection: Choosing the right plants based on climate, soil type, and intended use of the space.
2. Spatial Arrangement: Strategically placing plants to create visual interest and functional zones.
3. Colour, Texture, and Form: Combining plants with different colours, textures, and shapes to create dynamic and engaging landscapes.
4. Seasonal Interest: Planning for year-round appeal by selecting plants that bloom or change colour in different seasons.
5. Sustainability: Using native and drought-tolerant plants to reduce water usage and maintenance needs.