

I’m just getting started with blogging, so please bear with me until I find my voice!

I thought to start off with some simple advice on choosing and placing fragrant plants in your garden.

Calming fragrances such as salvia and lavender work very well  near sun loungers or benches, places where you can recline and unwind.

Where should i put fragrant plants?

The simplest answer to achieve the most from your plant is to place scented plants where people gather or rest.

Calming fragrances such as lavender work very well near sun loungers or benches, places where you can recline and unwind.

Choose a place where you can let the scent drift over you and your guests, so choose a spot you will sit out during the warmer months.

Another great place to put a group of scented plants, is at transition points, places where you move from one zone to another. For example roses around arches and door ways, if your garden is large enough to have zones, place the plants where one zone ends and another begins.

Place scented plants where people gather or rest

Lavender calms in this scheme by Gretchen Whittier


  • Trachelospermum jasminoides: Evergreen, highly scented white star like flowers

  • Clematis ‘Fragrant Oberon’: * Hardy perennial climber. Highly scented – lemon.


  • Actaea simplex (Atropurpurea Group) ‘James Compton’:

  • Agastache ‘Black Adder’: Highly perfumed foliage.

  • Aquilegia ‘Sweet Rainbows’ (Columbine): * Hardy perennial border flower. Great fragrance.

  • Echinacea ‘White Swan’: * Hardy perennial border flower. Honey scented.

  • Lavendar ‘Munstead’: Hardy shrub. Perhaps the most relaxing and well known scent.

  • Lilium: * Half-hardy bulb. Sweet and powerful perfume.

  • Melianthus major: * (Honeybush) Half-hardy perennial border plant. Honey-scented.

  • Monarda 'Beauty of Cobham': Hardy Perennial border plant. Bergamot scented.

  • Nepeta racemosa:

  • Paeonia lactiflora ‘Doctor Alexander Fleming’:

  • Phlox paniculata ‘Franz Schubert’:


Paving, why attention to detail matters